International Pet Sitting

Coco — Paradise Cove, Vanuatu, 2020.

For a number of years, I avoided as much Canadian winter as I could by flying around the world looking after peoples' homes and pets. While in these places, I try to write and take photos and create little projects. I hope to eventually archive all the projects from those trips on A Tiny Bell.

So far, I've mostly completed Spain. Other countries are to come and will be announced in the Here feed.

Oliva, Spain

September through November, 2017. Cats, Blanche and Nina; Cookie the dog; Tortuga the turtle.


Paradise Cover, Vanuatu
November, 2019 through March, 2020. Coco the dog, 2 unnamed chickens, and 23 named humans.

Cabarete, Dominican Republic
September / October, 2019. Cats, Lucky, Outside, and Oh No.

Studio City, California
December, 2018 — January, 2019. Lucy the cat.

Mar Vista, California
December, 2018. Henry. Dog.

Santa Monica, California
December, 2018. Reese and Pico, dogs.

Woodland Hills, California
December, 2018. Spooky the cat.

Venice, California
November, 2018. Judd and Breezy, dogs.

Studio City, California
December, 2017 — January, 2018. Lucy the cat and Buster the dog.

Beverly Glen, California
November, 2017 & January, 2018. Rolo and Bailey, Boxer dogs.

Studio City, California
December, 2016. Lucy the cat and Buster the dog.

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