I've been reading Craig Mod's wonderful books about walking Japan and I realized how infrequently I see photos of the country that are not Tokyo, or at least not bustling. A bit of searching led me to these lovely b&w photos from Seiki Hayashi.
TOILET FESTIVAL captures the essence of festivals through unexpected photographic portraits of festival-goers emerging from the toilets. These photos, taken spontaneously with a flash, reveal a gallery of unusual looks and attitudes, tinged with a touch of humor, constituting a sociological inventory of the various festival communities.
Nick Veasey's X-RAY photos truly are spectacular. I have some X-RAYs of my dog that I've always meant to get printed but Nick's work is a whole other level. Extraordinary.
If you're a musician, you should probably watch this video from Benn Jordan. It's only 3 minutes long.
If you want to get into the weeds on this, here's Jordan talking with Top Music Attorney about what's legally going on here. It's an hour forty and I've time-jumped it to skip their opening intros.
Masha Ivashintsova died in 2000 at the age of 58 and she left behind a considerable amount of undeveloped film, which her daughter found in the attic, sorted into dated envelopes.
Exhibition of left artists at Igor Ivanov's Leningrad, 1979Staraya Russa Novgorod region, 1976
Toronto is one of the worst cities I know of to be a pedestrian in. It's my biggest grief about living here — how hostile the city's design, laws, and processes are unless you're in a car. I walk a lot, hours ever day, and cannot tell you how often I see drivers run red lights, ignore crosswalks, or use bike lanes as passing lanes or parking spaces. It is literally every single day if not every single walk.
There is a street near my house, Parkside Drive, which has numerous pedestrian fatalities. The speed camera on that street generates more revenue for the city than any other, yet every day people run red lights on it and the city does nothing.
Someone in Vancouver came up with this crosswalk hack, which is ingenious. We need these on every corner.