I've never been a Radiohead fan, but I do quite like Marissa Nadler. Her cover of No Surprises is lovely (as are all of her covers) and this fan-made video by Kai-Duc Luong for the track perfectly captures the mood of the song:
If that mood agrees with you, you'll also dig Yelena Yemchuk's video for The Dove and the Wolf's Springtime.
And as to Radiohead covers, here's a stunning one of Creep by an Indian man and his mother:
If you enjoyed the Nadler and want more, my favorites are Ghosts & Lovers and Thinking of You.
Roger Deakins is best known as a cinematographer, but his black-and-white still photography is quite gorgeous.
The Joy of FlightLooking for SummerMy First Photograph
Deakins also has a film-related podcast, Team Deakins, that he co-hosts with his wife James. The great thing about the podcast is how they often interview the rarely-interviewed film professionals: cinematographers, Costume Designers, VFX people, etc.
Nico Sawatzki's paintings manage to be both organic and industrial at the same time. I imagine that in person one would want to reach out and touch them.
Every day, thousands of Cease and Desist letters are issued, telling people to stop what they’re doing. What a bummer! That’s why we created: TheContinue and Persist Letter. A official-looking legal letter that encourages and uplifts people, one that tells people to keep doing what they’re doing! Surprise someone you appreciate by sending them a Continue and Persist Letter.
While in the South Pacific, I tried Kava, a legal drink made from the Kava plant and which has mild effects on the nervous system.
Instantly, upon drinking it, my lips began to tingle and then feel numb and a warm calm came over me. The taste is dreadful, sort of like muddy water, and it doesn't help that you drink from a dirty coconut shell that is shared by others.
You get Kava at Kava Bars, which usually open when the sun goes down. They advertise themselves with a single, dim roadside colored lightbulb, usually green or red. Here's a Kava bar in daylight in Vanuatu:
Sign for Sano's Kava Bar, Pango Village, Vanuatu
A woman I befriended on the island Efate had a husband who died of liver failure due to his addiction to Kava.
Millions of people are turning to AI for companionship. They are finding the experience surprisingly meaningful, unexpectedly heartbreaking, and profoundly confusing, leaving them to wonder, ‘Is this real? And does that matter?’