Apparently, I'm "more resilient to misinformation than 89% of the US population!"
Or so says The University of Cambridge's Misinformation Susceptibility Test. How about you? I did the 20-question test and it took me just a couple minutes.
Apparently, I'm "more resilient to misinformation than 89% of the US population!"
Or so says The University of Cambridge's Misinformation Susceptibility Test. How about you? I did the 20-question test and it took me just a couple minutes.
A while back, I posted Towers of Silence, which features vultures, and today this video popped up on my feed. Lovely little story with some close-up vulture footage giving a perspective I'd never seen before. Short, just a couple minutes long, but covers vulture romance, arthritis, stem cell surgery, and more.
Some of you know I have a canine roommate named Shakedown. That's her, above. I get complimented on her name pretty much every time I tell it to someone. It's always nice to hear, though I'm sure she's sick of me getting the credit. She's always claimed to have whispered it in my ear while I was sleeping.
I love naming things. Not just dogs. And though I'm biased, I think I have a knack for it. That said, I do know two better namers: Bob Mortimer and David Simon. Some of Mortimer's inventions include Top-heavy Ken, Slow Colin, Barbara Lighthouse, Mary Candles, and Mickey the Drink. Some of Simon's are Snot-boogie, Cheese, Bunk, Carver, and Stringer Bell.
Below is my list of quality dog names. (I also have one of horrible dog names, though I won't share it in case your dog's name is on it.)
Fair Play
Gillan (GILL anne)
Grenier (GRAIN-yr)
Mighty* (small dogs only, please)
Ida (I-da, not E-da)
Lautrec (La-TREK)
Snake Oil
Mon Gateau (aka Monga)
Bricko / Bricka
Eleh (L.A.)
Here's what I'm proposing: have a dog you need named? Choose one of the names above and, if you can afford it, every year of your dog's life, donate ten bucks of your local currency to a dog shelter. Preferably a no-kill shelter.
Don't know any shelters? I'll suggest Galgo del Sol in Spain. They do great work and focus mostly on Galgos and Podencos (the Spanish and Portuguese equivalent to the American Greyhound). They're also pretty great at naming dogs.
Am I kidding with this? Nope.
I sorta stole this idea from Bob Mortimer, who once proposed it with cat names and the annual donations went to him. Bob's a comedian. I'm not. I just like naming things and helping dogs.
*Not a dog name of my invention, so you should only donate $5 annually for these ones, as someone else did the heavy lifting. I met Grapes in Toronto, Mighty in West Hollywood, and Kapow! is an agility champ.
Trailer for The World According to Allee Willis, "the most interesting woman you've never heard of," according to the Washington Post. Looks great!
In addition to being a prolific and grammy-winning songwriter, Willis ran the Museum of Kitsch, which is how I first heard of her in 2010 (though I'd been of a fan of her music without knowing she'd written it). Willis died in 2019, but her Youtube channel lives on.
Digression Alert
Watching this trailer, I was reminded of Montez, a milliner I met once in LA in summer, 2016. She owned and operated The Milliner's Guild at Crossroads of the World.
After walking into her shop, which was closed at the time, I immediately felt a connection to her and we began a talk that lasted a few hours where she told me about growing up in Venice and hanging out with Hendrix or Jim Morrison or both. The specifics are vague as it was my first trip after a stroke a few months prior. She'd made hats for Madonna and plenty of other celebrities from the 80s going forward. We stayed in touch digitally for a few years and the last I heard, she'd moved to New Mexico with her husband. I just sent her a message through a probably now-dead channel, but hopefully I'll hear back.
I wonder if she knew Willis. Montez, are you out there?
"Own and control the next Bandcamp."
That's the pitch from Subvert.FM, a new Music Co-op: "Bandcamp's corporate acquisitions threaten independent music. It's time for a new model - one we collectively own and control."
Free for musicians and labels. $100 listeners. They've got a blog with more information.
I've listened to this live show countless times over the years. Great background music when you want to focus and get something done.
So, Errol Morris made a new documentary called Separated, about the Trump administration's border policy when he was president. Here's the trailer:
The film is in the can, ready to show. But NBC, who bought it a few months ago, has decided not to show it prior to the election. I hate to link to Bloomberg, but here's Jason Bailey's excellent Opinion piece on how holding it is a disservice to voters:
Having seen Separated, I can confirm that, yes, it would absolutely ruffle Trump’s feathers. Through archival footage, first-hand accounts from government officials and damning interagency emails, the film provides a detailed, meticulous history of where his family separation policy came from and how his extremist Republican administration implemented it. Trump certainly comes off poorly.
News Minimalist uses AI (ChatGPT-4) to read the top 1000 news every day and rank them by significance on a scale from 0 to 10. Significance is estimated based on eight factors:
The results are posted on the News Minimalist front page.
Road to the Sea is a travel / nomad / sailing blog by a literal couple who've been on the road or water since 2011.
We have been full time land-based nomads since 2011. We became nomads separately at different times and in different places. In 2015, thanks to close friends, we met on the road, fell in love, and have been traveling together since. We have been all over the United States, parts of Canada, up to Alaska, over to Hawaii, and as far south as the tip of Baja. After eight years we decided to expand our travels and took to the sea. With no experience or knowledge about sailing, or boats in general, we were starting from scratch. We knew only two things when this all began; the style of sailboat we wanted, and that we wanted to sail.
They're currently in French Polynesia. Follow along!
I've always loved to watch people do their thing when they are expert at their jobs, especially if it's handwork. Though I am not at all skilled with anything artistic with my hands (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.), I have always been dextrous in my manual labor jobs. For instance, I can check the quality of a vinyl record — something I sell for a living — with unreasonable speed. Within a few seconds, and mostly by touch, I can identify the provenance of the majority of records I handle — their era, the country of origin of the pressing, the flatness and condition of the vinyl, etc. It's one aspect of my work that I still enjoy after almost two decades.
When I lived in Vanuatu in 2019 and 2020, I witnessed two Ni-Vans (natives of the country) do astonishing things with machetes: prior to my arrival, a parcel of land neighbouring the one I was to manage, changed hands, and the purchaser needed to clear it of vines, thick overgrowth, and hundreds of trees. The new owner, a New Zealander, hired a team of men with a backhoe. After a month, barely anything was cleared. The machinery was too cumbersome for the dense forest, and the men, who were more experienced with cement, sand, and steel, were humiliated by the organic material that had thrived there for decades.
When asked how my employer had handled the job on their land, they answered that they had hired Jackson, a local man with a machete. When the new tenant did likewise, the majority of it was completed in a fortnight. I arrived midway through and it was astonishing to see. What is it the Marines say? "One man, one army"? I also witnessed Jackson spearfish from a kayak using only the light of a crescent moon.
The second expert with a machete was a worker on "my" property: Marie. We needed a tall, Y-shaped crutch to prop something up. She grabbed her blade, hopped a chest-high fence in one motion, and disappeared into the forest. In just a few minutes, she reappeared with a nine foot tree about 4 inches around. Carrying both the tree and the machete, she again hopped the fence. While covering the ground between the fence and myself, she chopped the extraneous branches from the trunk, leaving only the two forked limbs we required. A few more swings and the bottom was carved into a perfect spear to stab into the ground. In her real life, Marie is a 44-year old housekeeper:
I think of these things because I've spent some of today watching this video: 15 Jobs That Take a Lifetime to Master, which features some wonderful handwork. It's 3 hours long but each job's segment is only 10 to 15 minutes and they're unrelated, so you can watch in chunks and skip around if one doesn't interest you.