Rarefilmm — The Cave of Forgotten Films

Rarefilmm is an archive of 100s of hard-to-find, little-known, or mostly-forgotten films. I've bookmarked a few for future watch: the documentary Pasolini, un delitto italiano (Who Killed Pasolini); Peter Bogdanovich's At Long Last Love; Pedro Costa's O Sangue; Xích lô; Bashu; and, just for laughs, the english-dubbed version of one of my all-time favorite films, Le Samourai (directed by JP Melville): The Godson, pictured below.

Allpacka One

Great idea over on Kickstarter for the first foldable cargo box for your bicycle. Unfortunately for me it requires a rear rack, which my bike doesn't support, but I imagine many folks finding this useful.

The campaign ends this week so hop on it if you're keen.

Demon Box — Instrument of Electromagnetic Fields

For the next week or so you can back the Demon Box on Kickstarter.

Step into a new dimension of music with the Demon Box from Eternal Research, your gateway to the unseen and unheard frequencies that surround us. By harnessing electromagnetic fields (EMF), this revolutionary analog instrument unlocks the existing music hidden in everyday things and experiences – turning anything from a hairdryer to a cell phone into music.


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