The HTML Review

The HTML Review is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web. Spring, 2024, means the third issue has been posted. It's broken into three sections: Poetry, Possibilities, and Expeditions.

As always, it's beautifully designed.

the html review 03
the html review is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web

Past issues are also available:

the html review 02
the html review is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web
the html review 01
the html review is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web

They're brought to you by Maxwell Neely-Cohen and Shelby Wilson.

The George Saunders Escalation Exercise

In Appendix-B of his book, A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, George Saunders asks us to write a 200-word story using only 50 unique words, constraints which Saunders suggests typically encourage an escalation of tension. Of course, someone's gone and coded a site to help you do just that, The George Saunders Escalation Exercise.

The GSEE reminds me of David Milch's process for defeating writer's block:

  1. Write for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 50 minutes.
  2. Write no description, only dialogue, using the descriptors Voice One and Voice Two.
  3. Take what you wrote, put it in an envelope, and seal it. Never look at it again.
  4. Do this every day at the same time until you're no longer blocked.

Believe it or not, this works.

(David Milch is a TV writer, which is why he's focusing on dialogue.)

Anecdote Alert

I believe Milch to be one of the greatest writers of all time. I've loved his work for many years. He's one of my heroes in art and heroes in life. I think Deadwood is as good as any Shakespeare, Picasso, or Dylan.

Years ago, after reading Mark Singer's terrific 2005 New Yorker profile, The Misfit, I reached out to Singer to ask if he still had the transcripts mentioned in the piece. He wrote back quickly to say he didn't.

About a year later I received an email from David Milch's assistant. The email simply said, "I hear you're looking for these." PDFs of the transcripts were attached. Just over 100 pages.

I've owned for years and one day will make a site about him. I'll be sure to put those PDFs on them.

The Color Printer

"In 1892, Cincinnati printer John Earhart, published The Color Printer: A Treatise on the Use of Colors in Typographic Printing, in which he detailed his methods for creating hundreds of color mixtures and thousands of color combinations as well as advice for complementary colors, using harmonious colors, and printing."

The Color Printer site is a digital edition of Earhart’s work created by Nicholas Rougeux with enhanced reproductions.

The Color Printer
Digital edition of John Earhart’s 1892 treatise on using colors in typographic printing

Spine Magazine

Spine Magazine is an online publication devoted to book cover design and book culture. I linked to them back in 2022 when they featured a Vonnegut special, but they're worth checking out at the root url.

Plenty of interviews with designers, authors, and illustrators, and of course, lots of gorgeous book covers, including early drafts and alternates.

Spine Magazine is an online publication devoted to book cover design and book culture.


Nestflix is a site for cataloging movies within movies and shows within shows. "Fictional movies within movies? Got ‘em. Fake shows within shows? You bet. Browse our selection of over 750 stories within stories."

For example, remember in Robert Altman's The Player, there's a film starring Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis? Yup, that's Habeas Corpus.

A platform for fictional films and shows within other films and shows.

The Tiny Awards Are Back!

Last year, Rotating Sandwiches took the top prize at the Tiny Awards. They're back for 2024 and nominations are open until June 23.

The Tiny Awards exist to 'celebrate people making stuff on the internet for the fun of it and the love of it and the hell of it." Their site is here:

Tiny Awards
Tiny awards, tiny prize, tiny trophy, big love

You can view all of last year's nominees in this Google Doc and visit winner, Rotating Sandwiches, below.

Rotating Sandwiches
that’s it

Drive. And Listen

Want to know what it's like to drive in Barcelona? What about Glasgow? Beijing? St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Rio, or Paris? has you covered. The audio defaults to off but you can toggle it on the right under where you choose your city. And yes, they have Toronto.

Click a city repeatedly to change cars / streets.

Drive & Listen
Listen to local radio stations while driving through the cities around the world. Istanbul, Berlin, London, Paris, New York City and many more


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