Wired has the "inside story of the teenager whose swatting calls sent armed police racing into hundreds of schools nationwide—and the private detective who tracked him down": The School Shootings Were Fake. The Terror Was Real by Dhruv Mehrotra Andy Greenberg.
For twelve years, in the 90s and early 2000s, I watched at least one movie every day. Tilbage i Danmark watched 1289 in 2024 alone and has this lovely minimal blog where the films are categorized and reviewed. Wonderful example of a personal project and a great use of the small web.
Butterdocs, my writing app of choice (because it's awesome), just released an iOS app. Because of this, I've decided to switch from my trusty-but-long-in-the-tooth Macbook Air to an iPad Air, which should arrive today.
Whenever I get new tech, my first place to familiarize myself with where to start is Proper Honest Tech's Youtube Channel. Simple, straightforward advice, like this:
Emergence Magazine presents Shifting Landscapes, a documentary series, directed by Emmy- and Peabody-nominated filmmakers Adam Loften and Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, exploring the power of art and story to orient us amid the darkness of our time.
Following a musician, a poet, a writer, and a filmmaker who are each embracing the alchemical power of story to connect and transform us, this series opens ways of being that hold both catastrophe and love as our landscapes change and disappear.
I've only watched the first of the 4-film series, but it was well done and I'll hopefully get to the rest this week.
Six String Nation is coming up on its 20th anniversary in 2026, and Founder Jowi Taylor is ramping up to it with some events. Next in line is a free, full-length, public Six String Nation multimedia presentation – complete with a live music component from Lori Cullen. It'll be happening at The Henderson Brewery, just north of A Tiny Bell's Toronto headquarters.
Tickets are free and available through EventBrite.
If you're unfamiliar with Six String Nation, check out their official site, where you can learn about Voyageur, the guitar comprised of 64 different pieces of material — wood, bone, metal, stone and others — from across Canada.
A Handyfoto — or mobile photo — captures mundane objects or situations as a photo or video. It is the unexpected synergy between two unharmonious elements. The Marco Land Handyfoto Foundation defines Handyfoto also as a way-of-seeing, a sacred practice: unplanned, observant, and attuned to life’s subtle humor and charm.
This will make more sense if you hop over to the Foundation's website and play with the filters.