Close Up Photography of the Year

Winners have been announced for the annual Close Up Photography of the Year Awards. Some incredible stuff.

Santiago J. Monroy-Garci / A God in the Shadows
Svetlana Ivanenko / Clash of the Titans
Andres-Luis Dominguez-Blanco / Spring

Winners in all categories can be seen on the CUPOTY site.

The best close up photo I've ever taken is probably this one:

Shifting Landscapes

Emergence Magazine presents Shifting Landscapes, a documentary series, directed by Emmy- and Peabody-nominated filmmakers Adam Loften and Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, exploring the power of art and story to orient us amid the darkness of our time.

Following a musician, a poet, a writer, and a filmmaker who are each embracing the alchemical power of story to connect and transform us, this series opens ways of being that hold both catastrophe and love as our landscapes change and disappear.

I've only watched the first of the 4-film series, but it was well done and I'll hopefully get to the rest this week.

The full series is here: Shifting Landscapes.

Miniatua's Miniature 'Puters

Miniatua offers highly detailed collectibles and handcrafted miniature scale models of vintage IBM and computer gear.

There's also a to-scale recreation of the bedroom of the main character in the 1983 film, War Games, pictured above.

More on the Miniatua site.

Six String Nation Live Event

Some of Voyageur's construction materials

Six String Nation is coming up on its 20th anniversary in 2026, and Founder Jowi Taylor is ramping up to it with some events. Next in line is a free, full-length, public Six String Nation multimedia presentation – complete with a live music component from Lori Cullen. It'll be happening at The Henderson Brewery, just north of A Tiny Bell's Toronto headquarters.

Tickets are free and available through EventBrite.

If you're unfamiliar with Six String Nation, check out their official site, where you can learn about Voyageur, the guitar comprised of 64 different pieces of material — wood, bone, metal, stone and others — from across Canada.

The Marco Land Handyfoto Foundation

A Handyfoto — or mobile photo — captures mundane objects or situations as a photo or video. It is the unexpected synergy between two unharmonious elements. The Marco Land Handyfoto Foundation defines Handyfoto also as a way-of-seeing, a sacred practice: unplanned, observant, and attuned to life’s subtle humor and charm.

This will make more sense if you hop over to the Foundation's website and play with the filters.


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