Spain — September 10, 2017

This post is part of a longer project, Distant Diary — Spain. All entries are gathered on this page, along with an explanation and some background.


There's a stray cat on the property who had kittens a couple weeks before I arrived. Arianne calls her Nina. I get along with her much better than I do with Blanche, my charge.

For a late lunch, I discover Ca Fran. Civilized portions of local foods. Solid Vermouth. I teach the young barkeep to make a martini. Mid-day, I'm the only customer and feel comfortable bringing out my keyboard to do some writing.

When I get back, Arianne has packed and is ready to go, despite there being another 16 hours before Joe picks her up in his taxi, she sits on the couch, hands folded in her lap, waiting.

I decide to press my employer on her past. I find out:

  • Though fluent in the language, she's not Spanish, but Maltese
  • She was a school teacher
  • She retired early after selling her house
  • She left Malta to "get away from some people"
  • Those people have found her

She never explained what they were after. Why they'd be following her.

When I ask why Abu Dhabi, she says it's been a lifelong dream. I ask, why, then, are you only staying 4 days. An answer in Maltese comes. When I ask what that means, she stares.

In fact, each time she speaks to me, I feel she's trying to gauge whether I can be trusted — not with the house, but with her answer.

At that moment, I know something very bad is going to happen. Don't know where or why.

After the sun sinks, wild dogs can be heard fighting and barking through the night.


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