
2 Posts

They led a cycling revolution...

"The day before the Taliban trammeled her freedom, a young woman went for a bike ride."

Terrific long-form piece in Bicycling about female cyclists in Afghanistan after the return of the Taliban. The Taliban of course doesn't want females to ride bikes because the bike seats "threatens a woman’s chastity": The Alchemists by Kim Cross.

These Women Were Some of Afghanistan’s Best Athletes. Then They Started Getting Death Threats.
They led a cycling revolution in a country where women were forbidden to ride. When the Taliban returned to power, their only hope was a harrowing escape to an uncertain future.

Allpacka One

Great idea over on Kickstarter for the first foldable cargo box for your bicycle. Unfortunately for me it requires a rear rack, which my bike doesn't support, but I imagine many folks finding this useful.

The campaign ends this week so hop on it if you're keen.


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