A few weeks ago the film geek internet lost its mind because Tony Zhou made the first new episode of Every Frame a Painting in many years. Though I thought the episode was fine, my favorite of his is the one below.
If you're not a film buff and have never really understood what makes one film dynamic and another a bore — of if you're unaware of what a director does, or what blocking is, give it a watch:
Tarr's films are not to everyone's tastes, but I find them rather captivating. It is not hyperbole to say that absolutely no one makes or has made films like Tarr. I have not seen them all, but my favorite of those I have is The Turin Horse, which was his final film. It is about two and a half hours long and contains only 29 cuts. Long shots are his signature shot. Satantango, perhaps his most famous film, is seven and a half hours long.
If you'd rather not invest such time into one of Tarr's films blindly, here's a 40 minute essay that offers a decent introduction to his work. Below that I've linked two you can currently watch for free.