
2 Posts

Is There No Relief?

One of the many reasons I'm so down on Toronto is just how oppressively hot it can get. I've lived in some hot places (Los Angeles, Southern Spain, Vanuatu, Cuba, the Dominican, Melbourne...), but Toronto, in my opinion, is the hottest. I don't care what the number on the thermometer reads — I care how I feel. How I sweat. What a slog it is to get from place to place as a pedestrian — and, to me, there is no worse place than Toronto in the summer. (It also has the worst traffic, but that's another post.)

Anyway, there's a great long-form piece by Sam Bloch in Places Journal about Shade.

Stalking the Bogeyman

"The entry is dated June 1981, and while I have no memory of writing it, the penmanship is unmistakably my own. There, between accounts of my grandfather dying and a game-winning double I hit in Little League, is an account of my being raped three years before. I concluded the entry by wondering what I would do if I ever met the man who'd raped me on the street once I myself was a grown man."

The above is from David Holthouse's article in Westword: Stalking the Bogeyman.

There is a follow-up: Arrested Development.

This American Life also did a piece on it.

Holthouse's website is here.


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