
14 Posts

Tree PNGs

Wild Cherry

Mikkel Eye is an Architectural Designer who posts pictures of trees to his site,

Mikkel explains: "All the trees are available as high quality PNG’s with transparent background. The trees are free to use for anyone who wants to add plantings to their visualizations, sections, and diagrams within the fields of landscape architecture, architecture, or urban planning. However, your project should be in focus. The trees of Meye are not to be used as free standing pictures or for advertisements."

You can filter by Species and Season. Niche-y, but for those in need: great resource well done.

Shifting Landscapes

Emergence Magazine presents Shifting Landscapes, a documentary series, directed by Emmy- and Peabody-nominated filmmakers Adam Loften and Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, exploring the power of art and story to orient us amid the darkness of our time.

Following a musician, a poet, a writer, and a filmmaker who are each embracing the alchemical power of story to connect and transform us, this series opens ways of being that hold both catastrophe and love as our landscapes change and disappear.

I've only watched the first of the 4-film series, but it was well done and I'll hopefully get to the rest this week.

The full series is here: Shifting Landscapes.

Donna Kalil, Florida's Original Python Hunter

Donna Kalil has plunged into canals in the dead of night, straddled two-hundred-pound serpents, and been bitten more times than she can count—all in the name of killing a thing she loves and playing a game she can’t win.

Fantastic piece in Garden & Gun on Donna Kalil, a professional, full-time Python hunter. Don't like to read? Here's a short video. But you should read the article. How could you not with a pull-quote like the one above.

Via Metafilter

Big Picture Winners

Winners of the 2024 Big Picture Nature Photography Contest have been chosen.

The Forest of the Monarchs, Jaime Rojo
Tadpole Migration, Shane Gross
Underwater Harmony And Chaos, Frano Banfi

My favorite is one of the runners-up, but I'm biased as I recognize the heron, Glinlid, whom I met in the Dominican in 2019:

Autumn Cypress, Joshua Galicki

Check out all the 2024 winners on the Big Picture site.

Winners from years going back to 2014 are also viewable.


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