
32 Posts

2024 Drone Photography Awards Nominations

I quite enjoyed these last year. Here's some of the highlights for 2024:

“Shepherd with herd” by Ivo Danchev (BULGARIA)
“Cranberry Harvest” by Brad Weiner (USA)

You can view all of the nominees here.

Some of last year's winners were extraordinarily good:

"Beach Bliss" by Simon Heather
"Suburban Dystopia" by Florian Kriechbaumer
'At the right time in the right place" by Александр Иванов

Site is here:

Siena Awards
Siena Awards

A Home for Street Photographers

A street photo of an elderly man on a bench with a lighthouse in the background, by Ryan Hardman
Ryan Hardman | Straight Outta Plymouth
A close-up street photograph of a stranger's elbow by Stephen Leslie
Stephen Leslie | Elbows
Street photo by Anruddha Guha Sarkar
Street photo by Anruddha Guha Sarkar
Street photo by Anruddha Guha Sarkar
Street photo by Anruddha Guha Sarkar

"iN-PUBLiC was set up in 2000 to provide a home for Street Photographers. Our aim is to promote Street Photography and to continue to explore its possibilities. We are a non commercial collective. All the photographers featured here have been invited to the group because they have the ability to see the unusual in the everyday and to capture the moment."

Some truly fantastic stuff here.


"Polanoid was invented because the magic of Polaroid pictures, the thrilling Edwin Land story and because the charm and touch of Polaroid cameras hit us like a sledge hammer." So says the founders of the Polaroid archiving website that is not only still running, but has new posts as of just a few days ago.

"Hungry for real analog, good smelling pictures in a digital world, we decided to swim against the stream and to reset our focus and start the biggest, best and most instant online photo community ever. Stuffed with millions of Polaroids, collected and uploaded by Polaroid addicts all over the planet."

All of the above pieces are by member, alodia, but Polonoid has many members.


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