
8 Posts

This Glorious Machine

As I weave through double parked cars and brave pedestrians, I see that this bicycle with an electric motor has returned the hope I’d lost over the years. Here, listen, it whispers: tech doesn’t have to be a con or make us the worst versions of ourselves. Look: technology has kept its promise and genuinely made the world better!

I love my single speed bike, but this essay on ebikes by Robin Rendle is lovely: This Glorious Machine!

I've had my eye on a Beachman Bike for some time, but I really do love my single speed.

No Hello

Someone has made a single-serving site called No Hello explaining how you should not say Hello when texting.

As someone who runs a business that relies on text messages, Please, just ask your question!

No One's Ready For This

The Verge on AI in photography with the release of the new Google Pixel:

An explosion from the side of an old brick building. A crashed bicycle in a city intersection. A cockroach in a box of takeout. It took less than 10 seconds to create each of these images with the Reimagine tool in the Pixel 9’s Magic Editor. They are crisp. They are in full color. They are high-fidelity. There is no suspicious background blur, no tell-tale sixth finger. These photographs are extraordinarily convincing, and they are all extremely fucking fake. 

Some of the examples they offer:

These were created in-camera. No additional software or skills required.

The conclusion of The Verge's article? We're fucked.

Global eSims

Maybe I'm way behind the curve on this one as it's been a few years since I've been able to travel, but today I learned about Global eSims. Companies that offer eSims to hundreds of countries or regions around the world. You download an app, purchase a plan, and have data / minutes / texts in your travel destination without the hassle of visiting a local TelCo and trying to navigate their plan options.

The two big companies seem to be Airalo and Saily. I'll definitely use one the next time I'm taking a trip.

Deepfakes and the Law

My Blonde GF is a 19 minute film about the victim of a deepfake porn. One interesting revelation is that, in the UK at least, deepfakes aren't considered revenge porn because they don't feature the actual victim, but just their image overlayed onto another party. Just another way that our laws aren't keeping up with technology.

From Guardian Documentaries. I mostly like The Guardian but am conflicted supporting it because their Trans coverage is garbage. That in mind, they excel at documentaries and podcasts.


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