
Posts that focus on and link to the doings of others.

234 Posts

Clive Wearing, Amnesiac

Below are two 60-minute documentaries, made twenty years apart, about Clive Wearing, a Brit with the worst-ever recorded case of amnesia. Clive's memories only last between seven and thirty seconds.

I first read about Wearing in the 90s in Oliver Sacks' The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Sacks later spoke about him on an episode of Radio Lab, and wrote about him again in The New Yorker in 2007.

Prisoner of Consciousness, 1985:

The Man With the Seven Second Memory, 2005

Oliver Sacks: Music and Amnesia
From 2007: Oliver Sacks on Clive Wearing, an English musician struck by a devastating brain infection that left him with retrograde amnesia and a memory span of only seconds.

Wearing is still alive as I write this. He's 86 and has been living with "the illness" for almost 40 years.

Clive Wearing - Wikipedia

Towers of Silence

I listened to this episode of 99% Invisible a while back and have been thinking about it ever since. It explores tradition, religion, class, and the holy work of Parsis who labor in the roofless Towers of Silence, sacred structures where bodies of the dead are left for vultures.

Regardless of what you think about religion, India, or vultures, I promise you, it's a fascinating listen that goes places you won't anticipate.

Towers of Silence - 99% Invisible
Situated right near downtown Mumbai, India is an area of about 55 acres of dense, overgrown forest. In one of the most populous cities in the world, this is a place where peacocks roam freely — a space out of time. This forest is protected by a religious community. It has survived in a relatively

It's reported by Producer Lasha Madan.

Vultures perch on a Tower of Silence
Vultures perch on a Tower of Silence

Jon-Paul's Handmade Balls

I love beautifully-crafted things.

Jon-Paul Wheatley hand-makes soccer balls (aka footballs). Though usually they're just for show, he has made balls for Adidas, FIFA, and Burberry. 

He recently made a limited edition of 1000 balls which he called The Original 92. They were USD300 each. I didn't hear about them until they were sold out, but probably would have purchased one even though I do not play football (aka soccer), because I love beautifully-crafted things.

The Original 92

Here are some of the balls from his Lab:

The 180 Wavy Triangle Ball
Spiral Ball
Cool S Ball
The 2 Balls In 1

Wonderful stuff.

Check out his site, 12 Pentagons, to see the full gallery of other Lab designs.

He's also got a YouTube channel with some how-to vids and other stuff:

I’m Jon-Paul and I make balls. This is my public ball R&D lab. I spend my time exploring new constructions, testing materials, designing balls around themes and reverse engineering popular balls throughout history.


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