
Posts that focus on and link to the doings of others.

234 Posts

BĂ©la Tarr

The Guardian spoke with genius Hungarian filmmaker BĂ©la Tarr about his 2011 retirement and why he's teaching 20-somethings about art in Sarajevo.

Tarr's films are not to everyone's tastes, but I find them rather captivating. It is not hyperbole to say that absolutely no one makes or has made films like Tarr. I have not seen them all, but my favorite of those I have is The Turin Horse, which was his final film. It is about two and a half hours long and contains only 29 cuts. Long shots are his signature shot. Satantango, perhaps his most famous film, is seven and a half hours long.

If you'd rather not invest such time into one of Tarr's films blindly, here's a 40 minute essay that offers a decent introduction to his work. Below that I've linked two you can currently watch for free.

The Turin Horse is online in its entirety, as is Werckmeister Harmonies.

Via Metafilter.

Gil Rigoulet's Wonderful Street Photography

Gil Rigoulet has an almost overwhelmingly fantastic trove of photos taken in the 70s and 80s in Napoli, Chicago, England, Quebec, and France.

The street was the best window and I plunged my camera uncomplicated by traveling North America, and Europe from east to west. No obligations, no command, just to see the world around me.  

Phenomenal work. See more, including his landscapes, Polaroids, self portraits, and more on his site:

Albarran Cabrera


Some wonderful work by Anna Cabrera & Ángel Albarrån, who collaborate as Albarran Cabrera.

All of these images are from their series Nyx:

The name of the Nyx series comes from a Greek creation myth. There are many of them and often they begin in darkness. As children of the Mediterranean living in Barcelona, we learned of the story of Nyx through several poems by Orpheus in which Nyx is depicted as the origin from which all creation emerges. 

The rest of the series is here.


Abigail Goldman is an investigator in the public defender's office. As part of her job, she visits morgues, observes autopsies, and studies pictures of crime scenes. To relax, she turns nightmarish imaginings into precise, red-splattered miniatures.

More on Goldman's website.


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